Putting things into perspective

I’ve pulled the distances out of our GPS logger. In our eleven days spent walking with rucksacks we walked 247.94 miles. That’s just over twenty-two and a half miles per day, carrying over twenty percent of our bodyweight on our backs.

It doesn’t take into account any of the distance we walked around Fort William during our day off (which we didn’t bother to log), an evening walking around Inverness, nor any of the distance done once we reached Aberdeen.

As it turns out, we used the logger on one day in Aberdeen, just to add some extra distance to our total, while seeing if it was possible for us to walk any distance without rucksacks. It turned out we were in no fit state to continue walking. We still covered another 13.74 miles, taking us up to a grand total of 261.68 miles logged during the trip in Scotland.

Our “height ascended” totalled over 37,110 feet. That’s a little over seven miles high. We walked in the clouds and next to the sea. We’ve gone up, down and around in wind, rain and sun. Just look at a map of Britain and see where Inverness is in relation to Glasgow. We walked that.

That's actually quite a long way to walk.

So we were short of our target of 350 miles. But if you add in the distances we didn’t log around Fort William, Inverness and Aberdeen, and include the 50 miles in North Wales and 42 miles in Ely then we have walked over 350 miles for DC Boxing club. Just not quite in the way we intended.

One Response to “Putting things into perspective”

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  1. Justin says:

    Fantastic effort the both of you.